An electrician is a sort of trade’s person who mainly deals with electricity and its application on appliances and wiring of buildings, machines and any related equipment. They are applicable when it comes to installation of new devices that is electrical components, or repair of current existing infrastructure as well as wiring of vehicles, air crafts, ships, basically anything that uses electric current in its operation has at one point or the other be tended to by a licenced electrician who work also work 24 hours emergency aswell.
They are mainly classified in two; those that work with electric distribution grid of a company in high voltages-linesmen, or wiremen who work with less aggressive voltages inside buildings for instance. They are trained to specialise in low voltage wiring, industrial and light industrial, residential and commercial electrician setups.
Electricians have three levels of training that they acquire namely apprentice, journeyman and the highest rank is master electrician. Apprentices basically are electricians still in their learning stage. Journeymen are apprentices who have surpassed the stage and have been found competent in the electrical trade by the respective licencing body either locally or nationally or even internationally. Masters are verified experts in the field who have accumulated at least 7 to 10 years’ experience in the trade and have shown their superiority in knowledge of the field.
We also have more classifications of electricians such as residential electricians who are the normal repair guys we see around usually, they are called to respond to specific repairs or upgrades to small scale systems. Solar power electricians focus on larger more involving scenarios such as a completely new installation of a buildings entire electrical grid or a particular floor. Other classifications based on the area of operations are the marine, hospital and research electricians.
In theatres we may also have roles that are cast in a play for electricians who show electrical expertise on stage. Though they perform these acts on stage they are not classified as certified electricians as they have a different skill set than those who perform wiring of entire buildings, but they may be of all types in the act, working the stage lighting’s hanging and focusing with the master as the chief electrician. These head electricians on stage or in film industry are known as gaffers. Your Electrician Brisbane are a work force like any other who are hired by contractors to do specific jobs and see them through to successful completion.